Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Joy Dare: Day 11

Well it has been a month of being thankful. My attitude towards things has changed a lot because I'm thinking about things more and counting my blessings, literally. So tomorrow starts a new month and a new lot of thankfulness. Still some catching up to do but am enjoying it. 

Something above you, something below you, something beside you. 

#0061 God. Don't have a photo to put but God will always be above me and watching over me. 

#0062 My gorgeous dog, Gracie. She is always so happy to see you and have a cuddle. 

#0063 Beside me today was all my study that I needed to do. I'm thankful to be able to learn new things even though it isn't always enjoyable. 

3 graces found in your friends. 

#0064 Sophie's bubbly personality that is so contagious whenever I see her.

#0065 Sara's gorgeous smile that always makes me smile. 

#0066 Renee's friendship with me and how we can share things and trust each other. 

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